【学术报告】5月28日 Oscillations in the mSR spectra of muoniated organosilyl radicals and their origin


报告题目:Oscillations in the mSR sepctra of muoniated organosilyl radicals and their origin


报告人:Kerim Samedov












Kerim Samedov,男,本科和博士分别毕业于德国柏林自由大学和柏林工业大学化学系,在加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学与加拿大粒子和核物理国家重点实验室(TRIUMF)从事含磷、硅的化合物和聚合物的缪子化学研究,是缪子化学研究高级科学家。






Muonium atoms (Mu), formed from positive muons generated at the TRIUMF cyclotron facility, can react with low-coordinate silicon compounds forming muoniated radicals of the latter, which are then studied by muon spin resonance spectroscopy (mSR). In 2008 the Kira silene 1 was shown to react with muonium atoms (Mu) to form two radicals, 1a and 1b. Adamantylidenesilene 2 also yields a mSR spectrum that displays two radical species, 2a and 2b. An unprecedented oscillatory behavior was observed for the two mSR signals in this spectrum. Recently, similar oscillation phenomena have also been observed for a number of other compounds such as phosphasilene 3, phosphaalkene 4 and N-supported silylene 5. A possible explanation for these remarkable observations will be offered and discussed.