【学术报告】4月25日 Release the power of catalysis for energy, environment and health



报告题目:Release the power of catalysis for ennegy,environment and health



报告人:Jie Song Ph.D., GRA Faculty Fellow, NCI-Designated Winship Cancer Institute, Departments of Biomedical Engineering and Chemistry, Emory University and Georgia Institute of Technology,
















Electron transfer is ubiquitous in chemical and biological processes. Multiple electron transfer is a prerequisite in realizing redox transformation in many important reactions. This talk will present our strategies of exploiting earth-abundant element-containing metal oxides as versatile and powerful catalytic materials for rapid and efficient conversion of solar energy to chemical energy as well as selective killing of cancer cells by targeting redox homeostasis. These synthetic efforts will converge with our longer-term goals of developing novel molecular homogeneous catalysts for renewable energy production and innovative nanoscale theranostic protocols for cancer treatment.