【学术报告】6月26日 Epigenetics Studied by Single-molecule Force Spectroscopy


报告题目:Epigenetics Studied by Single-molecule Forrce Spectroscopy









报告地点:工程楼 B506






于仲波,南开大学药物化学生物学国家重点实验室特聘研究员。2001年获得华中科技大学同济医学院医学学士学位。2013年获得美国肯特州立大学化学博士学位,后在荷兰代尔夫特理工大学纳米生物科学系Nynke Dekker课题组从事博士后工作。2015年入职南开大学药物化学生物学国家重点实验室和药学院。研究领域是单分子生物学,尤其是端粒生物学和表观遗传的酶促机制。文章主要发表在 JACS, PNAS 和NAR等期刊。






Understanding of the cancer epigenome brings great opportunities for therapeutic development. It remains challenging to probe how epigenetic enzymes write, read, and erase markers on both DNA and histones. My group is developing single-molecule methods to investigate epigenetics. I will first discuss how DNA methylation differentially regulates site-specific dissociation of conserved epigenetic enzymes on a CGI landscape. Next I will show how to investigate interactions between PHD3-Bromo of MLL1 and H3K4me3 using single-molecule force spectroscopy in a parallel DNA circuit. Finally I will demonstrate how to examine the dynamics of forming a triplex in an artificial telomere inferred by DNA mechanics. Our work is providing new methods for epigenetic studies and will facilitate the target-based drug development in future.