【学术报告】11月14日 Advanced Electrode Materials for Metal-ion Batteries




报告名称:Advanced Electrode Materials for Metal-ion Batteries

报告人:Zaiping Guo

工作单位:University of Wollongong


Professor in the school of Mechanical, Materials, Mechatronic, and Biomedical Engineering at University of Wollongong.

Prof. Zaiping Guo received a PhD in Materials Engineering from the University of Wollongong in December 2003. She is a Senior Professor in the school of Mechanical, Materials, Mechatronic, and Biomedical Engineering, University of Wollongong, and an Associate Editor of ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. She received the ARC Queen Elizabeth II Fellowship in 2010 and the ARC Future Fellowship (FT3) in 2015.


Prof. Zaiping Guo"s research focuses on the design and application of nanomaterials for energy storage and conversion, including rechargeable batteries, hydrogen storage, and fuel cells.

More than 300 papers in the past 10 years. More than 150 papers were published in journals with IF > 10. Total citations: >20000 times. H-index: 78.

Selected publications: Science advance 2019; Chemical society reviews 2019; Angew. Chemie. 2019; Advanced Materials 2019; Advanced Energy Materials 2019; Energy & Environmental Sciences 2019; Nat. communication 2019; Advanced Energy Materials 2018; Advanced Materials 2019; Journal of The American Chemical Society 2017, 139, 3316-3319.

报告时间:2019年11月14日(周四) 9:30-11:00
