【学术报告】 11月27日 Ultrafast Spectroscopy Study on Solution Processed Photovoltaic Materials



     浙江大学 化学系


Solution processed semiconductor materials and molecules, e.g. perovskites, organic donor/acceptor molecules and stibnite (Sb2S3), have shown exciting potentials in low cost and high-efficient photovoltaic applications. From a fundamental point of view, the excited state carrier dynamics in these materials, including intrinsic relaxation, charge separation and recombination at interface dictate their performance and efficiency. Ultrafast spectroscopy has been an invaluable tool to directly monitor these fundamental processes and provided designing principles. In my talk, I’ll give a background on ultrafast spectroscopy and provide two examples, organic bulk heterojunctions and Sb2S3 semiconductor, to show what we can learn by ultrafast spectroscopy study.


朱海明,2008年毕业于中国科学技术大学化学与材料科学学院;2014年在美国Emory大学获得物理化学博士学位,导师Tianquan Lian教授;之后在美国Columbia大学Xiaoyang Zhu教授组里做博士后研究员。20167月任职浙江大学化学系研究员,博士生导师。主要从事利用超快时间分辨激光光谱研究低维半导体材料和高新材料的激发态性质和载流子动力学行为以及他们在太阳能转化和发光上的应用。迄今已在Science, Nat. Mat., Sci. Adv., Nat. Comm., JACS等刊物上发表论文40余篇,引用超过6000次,H因子32

