【学术报告】10月8日 人工合成淀粉



报告摘要:Starch, a storage form of carbohydrates, is a major source of calories in the human diet and a primary feedstock for bioindustry. We report a chemical-biochemical hybrid pathway for starch synthesis from carbon dioxide (CO2) and hydrogen in a cell-free system. The artificial starch anabolic pathway (ASAP), consisting of 11 core reactions, was drafted by computational pathway design, established through modular assembly and substitution, and optimized by protein engineering of three bottleneck-associated enzymes. In a chemoenzymatic system with spatial and temporal segregation, ASAP, driven by hydrogen, converts CO2 to starch at a rate of 22 nanomoles of CO2 per minute per milligram of total catalyst, an ~8.5-fold higher rate than starch synthesis in maize. This approach opens the way toward future chemo-biohybrid starch synthesis from CO2.

报告人简历:中国科学院天津工业生物技术研究所副研究员。2010年毕业于南京农业大学获得博士学位(硕博联读),主要从事群体感应、根瘤菌与豆科植物宿主的信号互作等相关的研究。2007-2011年,在美国宾夕法尼亚大学医学院进行联合培养博士和博士后研究,主要从事病原菌霍乱弧菌治病机理相关的研究。2011年加入中国科学院天津工业生物技术研究所,主要从事二氧化碳固定与淀粉人工合成相关的研究,在Science、Molecular Microbiology(封面文章)、Nucleic Acids Research、 Scientific Reports、Journal of Bacteriology、ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering,ACS Synthetic Biology等期刊发表文章十余篇

报告时间:2021年10月08日 下午14:00-15:00
